Your Social Media 101 Program Learn how to create captivating content, when to post, what to post, and how to be authentically present in your business.

Increase your ⭐star power⭐, attract raving fans, and upgrade your business through social media.

Hearing crickets on your page, getting put in Facebook jail, or frustrated with your business page not growing the way you want?

Gain New Ideas and Ways to Create Captivating Content, When to Post, What to Post, and Taking Your Voice to a New Level Through Facebook.

Breathe new life into your business.

Girl, It's Time To Upgrade!


Being in business, you've already learned this...there is a big difference between doing the "social" thing vs the "business" thing on social media.

Your business depends on your ability to stand out and connect to your audience on social media. It's THE thing that helps level the playing field for today's entrepreneurs.

Are You Afraid to Jump Ship From Posting On Your Personal Facebook Page Because You Feel It's Too Hard To Grow Your LIKE Page?

Too often we see so many doing things that could get your Facebook account shut down, content that's scaring people away, and a lack of posts that would keep people coming back for more.

It's time to address those critical elements that are missing from your page and remove those that are hurting your page.

Let's get to work...let's blow the ceiling off your biz, OK?

Social Media Slay Training Broken Down

5 Days, 5 Lessons, 1 Live Interactive Facebook Group

1. Social Media Platforms & Defining who you are speaking to.
Differentiate between platforms, choosing your social media focus, and your target audience.

2. Do’s and Dont's.
What to keep doing that attracts people to you, and things you should stop doing right now because you may be scaring people away.

3 Creating Visual Content
A full breakdown of our favorite apps and sites that will help give your business the visual edge it needs.

4. Content Is Queen!
Get the details on What to post, How to Post, When to Post and doing it consistently.

5. Increasing Reach & Engagement
The bigger your reach, the more engagement you'll receive, the faster your growth.

“If people like you, they'll listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you."

Zig Ziglar

You don't have to be a Facebook expert to start doing it better.

There's a lot of information out there when it comes to Facebook. Admittedly it gets overwhelming with a lot of in-depth information, which is great...if you're ready for it.

But we've realized that there are so many who just want some great, NOT-overwhelming, broken down information that is not only easy to digest but something that can be applied immediately to your own social media presence to help you grow.

Many times, women who have a business:

• Already tend to think they have it all figured out, or are too tired or overwhelmed to learn anything new.

• They've been doing a certain way for so long, to change feels scary and worried it will be worth it.

• Don't feel they have time to go back and learn some of the vital basics to running a successful business page, so keep using the same tactics that are stalling their growth.

Whichever category you fit in, it's crucial to be present and grow your business on a platform that places the world and your market at your fingertips.


  • 1


    • Making The Most of Your Five Days

    • Social Media Slay Book Download

  • 2

    Day 1 - Platforms & Your Audience

    • SMS Day 1

  • 3

    Day 2 - Do's & Don'ts of Social Media

    • SMS - Day 2

  • 4

    Day 3 - Let's Create!

    • SMS Day 3

  • 5

    Day 4 - Content Is Queen

    • SMS Day 4

  • 6

    Day 5 - Increasing Reach & Engagement

    • SMS - Day 5

About Your Instructors

Founders of #GlamGirlBoss™

Melanie Edwards & Stacie Simons Segall #GlamGirlBoss

This is the instructor section. You can use this space to tell and show your students who you are and why you're the perfect person to teach the course you're offering. You can talk about your work and education history, and really anything else that shows off who you are so your students get excited about learning from you. You're the expert after all, this is your chance to shine!


Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Rope Management

  • Cleaning Equipment

  • Common Mistakes

  • The Best Ways to Start

  • Emergency Procedures

  • How to Climb


April A

Hi, ladies, Days 4 and 5 were incredible but the Bonus Day was over the top!! I love all the tips and knowing now that I do have GlamVision is exciting!! ​ I am going to define my clarity of who I am and what I am to myself so I can come across and help women, not just in a mediocre attempt but to help women having hard economic or stressful situations because I have come through it with Faith and belief and I am an example without telling my whole story but being there for them unconditionally and without judgment. I have a strong and growing customer base and my team of 24 is growing too. I am super excited that I invested in myself and Slay week came across my path at the right time. Thank you for all that you do! :)


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Bonus Material

Include additional content to your course curriculum to provide further value to your students.

  • eBook

    Climbing 101

    $39 value

    All about how you can climb the tallest mountains in just over 3 months. A very popular eBook!

  • Free

    Advanced Support

    $100 value

    Get in touch with me on a weekly basis to go over how you're learning is progressing!

  • Forums

    Community Discussions

    Amazing Value!

    Join our climbing community and grow everyday through real interaction with fellow students!

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